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DVD付き 樫木裕実カーヴィーダンスで楽やせ!

【送料無料】DVD付き 樫木裕実カーヴィーダンスで楽やせ!価格:1,000円(税込、送料別)

第13話−15 あんたとは違う!(Episode13−15 You and I are diff

You and I are different!!Yeah I have no ability like you.Oh, sorry. I was not going to hurt you.But, I know. You've been modified by Goodaoho.Too bad. It is natural that you would be funny.I,I'm funny!Aha! I'm sorry. I've been telling …

第13話−14 家族!(Episode13−14 A Family!)

​​Pepperpapa and I were made by Cosmo's ancestors millions of years ago. And headed to Earth and Gooda, respectively. That's all.But my dad is Pepperpapa.So we are a family!Family is no meaning for robots.And I got a totally different bo…

第13話−13 ママ?!(Episode13−13 Mama?!)

What!In the planet, I was known as Peppermama.Peppermama! Did you mean with Cosmo?Yes.Well, you are Pepperpapa's wife. That is, my mom? !I had a feeling you would. You never forget we are robots.えっ!その惑星では、あたしはペッパーママ…