

よろよろと3(1日目)・あたしゃ運がいいですよ! こんな立派なサイトがあったとは!! 「患者必携 がんになったら手にとるガイド」(独)国立がん研究センター http://ganjoho.jp/public/qa_links/hikkei/hikkei01.html ・告知の受け止め方から、病気の概…

Mr.Children 2005-2010<macro>(初回限定CD+DVD)

【送料無料】Mr.Children 2005-2010<macro>(初回限定CD+DVD)価格:2,268円(税込、送料別)

第13話−22 塊!(Episode13−22 Chunk!)

No. He is a chunk of motivation.No. You are bent. He is a odd pet.He will definitely cause problems!I mean, you will regret!SNAPHe is a cherished companion. You too...WAAAH!To be continued.それは違う。 彼はモチベーションの塊だ。そんな…

第13話−21 花火!(Episode13−21 Fireworks!)

All right, we're on! How'bout our fireworks for our independence day?By the way, what is the Lagrangian point?Damn〜Where's your brain?Sleep in a kennel!He's fired.GROWL何をもたもたしている! 独立記念日の花火はまだか!ところでラグラン…

第13話−20 創造の海!(Episode13−20 Sea of Creation!)

!!! GASPIt was the mankind of the Planet Gooda. They destroyed their planet by themselves.And you came to here?Yes.See the Ball. On there humans live in their creative life. Looking at the planet from space, it's the sea of cre…

第13話−19 負い目(その2)!(Episode13−19 Guilty(part2)!)

I just looked forward to their creativity. Because they needed creativity.Oh, yeah? creativity? It's a fake!PLOPThe life of the planet Gooda was dying. I just wanted to know how they use their creativity to survive.You gave extr…