85 宇宙の将来 Future of the Universe【過去と未来】






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• About the future of the universe, three main scenarios considered.

○Scenario 1: The universe would continue a permanent expansion being get rate.
Therefore, the Milky Way of solar system would have led to gravitationally combined galaxies with very near. In order to exhaust material gas, there are no longer new stars in these galaxies. There are only leaving remnants of black holes and neutron stars, white dwarf stars. (If dark energy is constant).

○Scenario 2: Inflation would slow gradually, over time the expansion will stop. Furthermore, from which the universe starts to shrink, becomes very small and collapses. = "Big crunch"(If dark energy is weakened).

○Scenario 3: The universe would be expanding at an accelerating pace even more. Because of too rapid pace of expansion, the structure of galaxies collapses.
