29 What is the Universe?+The history of cosmology【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe

29 What is the Universe?+The history of cosmology【What is the Universe?】Dialogue with the Universe
Q:Why does the universe exist in spite of trouble?
Q:Can a unified theory of the universe explain the universe accurately?
Q:Or we need the Creator
Q:If so, the Creator gives the effect of something else in the universe
Q:And who created the Creator

Source: "Brief History of Time" Stephen William Hawking (issued April 15, 1995)

【The history of cosmology】
1948  The Big Bang model
1968 Weinberg-Salam theory:
The late 1970s  Quantum chromodynamics
1980s  Cosmology based on theory of elementary particles
1981  Cosmic inflation Theory
1985  Superstring Theory
1993  Fritz Zwicky coined the term dark matter.
1998  Michael S. Turner coined the term dark energy.