ゼロトレで若返ったけど… Got younger with ZERO TRAINING, but… #若返り#ゼロトレ #AntiAging #ZeroTraining

ゼロトレで若返ったけど… Got younger with ZERO TRAINING, but… #若返り#ゼロトレ #AntiAging #ZeroTraining

I have continued training for 7 more days, after the abdominal circumference decreased…

74 運動 #宇宙旅行

74 運動 #宇宙旅行

74−1 常に意識すること
1.Mary Payne Bennett“Humor and Laughter May Influence Health IV. Humor and Immune Function“-NCBI 20071205


3.NHK「ガッテン」『NASA直伝! 魅惑のアンチエイジング』20161116

74−2 免疫強化・制御、がん予防
74−2−1 骨を強くする
1) 骨が出す「オステオポンチン」が免疫力をアップする。
4.「若さを生み出す臓器」として大注目!“骨”によって老化の速度が決まる|NHK健康ch 20180107

5.NHKスペシャル人体”骨”が出す!最高の若返り物質|NHK健康ch 20180107

74−2−2 骨に良い運動:ウェイトトレーニング、ウォーキング、ジョギング、ダンスなど

○スクワット 【回数】5回〜15回を1日2〜3セット
6.骨粗しょう症の治療 運動が骨に与える効果とは|NHK健康ch

74−3 自律神経の調整

74−4 目の運動
74−4−1 ドライアイの解消

74−4−2 動体視力の維持
○方法:卓球、テニス、野球 等のスポーツを行う(10分/日)。壁打ちでもよい。

74−5 腰痛予防
(1) 座る時に骨盤を立てる。
(2) 背筋運動(上記の骨を強くする運動参照)
(3) 背中反らし体操

9.たった3秒で「腰痛」が治る! 腰痛の原因はあなたの背中にあった!

74−6 その他のメニュー

1. 1日1万歩+NO分泌体操
2. 体の柔軟性を保つ
1)肩のストレッチ ⇒肩こり防止、代謝と姿勢の改善

74−6−1 NO分泌体操[10]

74−6−1−1 ゾンビ体操 [11]

74−6−1−2 スキップ

74−6−2 肩のストレッチ

74−6−3 その他の腰痛予防ストレッチ

(1−1)タオル・ストレッチ [12]
1. 床に横になり片足にタオルをかける。
2. タオルをかけた脚を上げ、できるだけ伸ばす。
3. 伸びきったところで、少しタオルを引いて1秒保つ。
4. これを8〜10回繰り返す。
5. 反対の足も同様に行う。



(2)開脚ストレッチ [14]
2. ヒジを張ってヒザを外側に押して開く。

5. 反対側も同様に行う。


【参 照】
10. “毛細血管ケアで若返り!血流をアップする方法・食べ物(入浴・スキップ・シナモン)|#ガッテン(#NHK)”at HAKUR|健康美容ニュースブログ 20161130
12.Dr. Daniel Gonzalez”Tight Hamstrings? Fix the problem, not the symptom!”at FamilyHealthChiropractic.com
13. ジャックナイフストレッチでサヨナラ腰痛! - NAVER まとめ
14. 【金スマEiko「開脚ストレッチ」のやり方!

20170302 NO分泌体操の記載
20170307 エビぞりの注釈修正
20170804 呼吸は鼻呼吸
20180305 大幅書換え

74 Exercise #SpaceTravel

74 Exercise #SpaceTravel

74−1 Always be conscious
○While laughing. If you can not laugh, as smile as possible. Smiling is the beginning of laughter.
・The Benefits of laughter
Research documenting benefits in a clinical population (such as persons with cancer) is yet to be established.
1.Mary Payne Bennett“Humor and Laughter May Influence Health IV. Humor and Immune Function“-NCBI 20071205

○Conscious of breathing
※Gentle moderately long diaphragmatic breathing by the nose. Introducing a slight pause after each inbreath and outbreath.
・The Benefits:Reducing stress and its effects on your body and mind.
2.Xiao Ma“The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults“-NCBI 20170606

○ Stand up once every 30 minutes. (32 times a day)
・・・Sitting disease: If you keep sitting for 1 hour, your otolith does not move and your life shortens 22-minute.
3.Anna Salleh “TV shortens life by 22 minutes per hour”at ABC Science Online’s 20110816

74−2 Immune enhancement / control, cancer prevention
74−2−1 Strengthen the bones
1) "Osteopontin(OPN) " an organic component of bone raises immunity.
4. Giorgio Mori“The Interplay between the Bone and the Immune System” - NCBI  20130714
Osteopontin is produced by a variety of cell types, such as B and T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, NKT cells, macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells (DC), bone cells (osteoblasts and osteocytes), breast epithelial cells, and neurons, and high expression is detected in the bone, lung, liver, brain, joints, adipose tissue, and body fluids such as blood, urine, and milk .

2)"Message substance" from the bone keeps memory power • immunity • reproductive ability young! [3]
5.Nausicaa Clemente”Osteopontin Bridging Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Autoimmune Diseases” 20161220

74−2−2 The Best Bone Building Exercise:Weight training, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis, and dancing
6.Exercise for Your Bone Health - NIH(National Institutes of Health)

<Basic Exercise>
Squat   [Number of times] 5 to 15 times 2 to 3 sets per day
○ Stand on one leg (left and right)
Raise one leg about 5-10 cm and stand for 1 minute on the other leg.
○ Back muscle exercise
• Lie down on the face and put cushions around under the navel.
• Place your hands on your waist, lift your upper body as much as your chest floats, and hold for 10 seconds.
[Number of times] 5 times 2 to 3 sets per day
7.骨粗しょう症の治療 運動が骨に与える効果とは|NHK健康ch

74−3 Autonomic adjustment
○Abdominal breathing
8.Xiao Ma“The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults“-NCBI 20170606

74−4 Exercise of eyes
74−4−1 Elimination of dry eye
○Stretch to make tears.
Slow wink twice → fast wink 4 times → slow wink twice

74−4−2 Maintaining visual acuity
• The Benefits:Prevention of traffic accident
○ Method: Do sports such as table tennis, tennis and baseball(10 minutes / day). You can hit backboard or wall.

74−5 Lower back pain (lumbar) prevention
Do not do it if you have pain.
(1) Stand up the pelvis when you sit.
(2) Back extensions

Start position: Lie on your front and rest on your forearms, with your elbows bent at your sides. Look towards the floor and keep your neck straight.
Action: Keeping your neck straight, arch your back up by pushing down on your hands. You should feel a gentle stretch in the stomach muscles. Breathe and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Return to the starting position.
Repeat 8 to 10 times.
・don't bend your neck backwards
・keep your hips on the floor
10.Exercises for lower back pain - Live Well - NHS Choices

74−6 Other menu

1. 10,000 steps per day+Gymnastics that secrete NO(nitric oxide)
2. Maintain flexibility of your body
1)Stretches for shoulders ⇒ prevention of stiff neck, improved metabolism and posture
2)Stretches for back pain prevention
3. Maintaining dynamic visual acuity

74−6−1 Gymnastics that secrete NO(nitric oxide)
○NO (nitric oxide) is made of vascular endothelial cells and acts on the muscular layer of the vascular media to soften and expand the blood vessels.
•The Benefits : prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction
○Increase the secretion of NO (nitric oxide): Increase the body's deep temperature by 1 ° C.
11.Alexei V. Nosarev“Exercise and NO production: relevance and implications in the cardiopulmonary system”-NCBI 2014
○I will introduce two gymnastics that can be made while walking and will also be a substitute for walking.

74−6−1−1 Zombie exercise [12]
1. Stand and relax your shoulders.
2. Dent your stomach.
3. Jogging on the spot.
4. Shake your arms naturally and twist your upper body like a zombie.
• Jog 1 minute and break 30 seconds . Do 3 sets.
• 3 times a day.

74−6−1−2 Skip
・Skipping for 30 seconds.
• 3 times a day.

74−6−1 Stretches for shoulders
• Various methods are published on the web, but I have chosen a menu that I can do while walking. ( It's like killing two birds with one stone.)
<Caution!> Do not do it if you have pain.
(1)Shoulder rotation: With both elbows bent and a fingertip on the shoulder, turn the shoulder 10 times in the direction in which the eyeglasses will not fall (front ⇒ back). (Thread your arms as close as possible to your ears and extend your chest)
(2)Arm Circles [13]
Make big, slow circles with your arm with the arms stretched, turn left and right alternately from the back to the front. (Repeat 20 times in each arm). Maintain good posture throughout.
(3)Cow-Face Pose [14]
Reach right arm straight up, then bend elbow and let hand fall behind your head. Move left arm behind the back and bend the arm, letting the back of your left hand rest against the right shoulder blade (or as close to the blade as possible). Reach to grab right fingertips with the left hand. Repeat on the other side. (20 seconds in each) ・・・You do not have to reach both hands.
(4)Hanging gymnastics
・In order to not damage the muscles of your arms, first do your feet on the floor. (20 seconds)

74−6−3 Stretches for back pain prevention
<Caution!> Do not do it if you have pain.
(1)Stand up the pelvis when you sit down.
(2)Back extension
Start position: Lie on your stomach, and prop yourself on your elbows, lengthening your spine. Keep your shoulders back and neck long.
Action:Arch your back up by pushing down on your hands. Breathe and hold for 2 minute.
<Caution!>Do not up your chin to protect your neck!
(3) Tight hamstring stretches
(3−1)Active Isolated Hamstring Stretch [14]
1. To do this exercise, you lie on the ground with a rope over one foot.
2. Squeeze your glutes, followed by your quads, and then actively lift up your leg as high as it can go.
3. When the leg won’t go any further, you can give a gentle pull with the rope, and hold for only about one second.
4. Repeat this for about 8-10 reps.
5. Do the same for the other foot.

(3−2)Jack-knife stretch [15] (2 times / day)
1. In the starting posture, squat while holding your ankles with your hands.
2. Gradually extend your knees while keeping your chest and thighs in contact.
3. The position of maximum extension is achieved when the quadriceps femoris is at maximal contraction.
4. Return to 1.
5. Repeat this for about 3-5 reps.

※Active stretching in general produced greater flexibility gains than static stretching.

(4) Hip flexibility stretch [16]
(4−1)Horse stance
1. Open legs wider than shoulder width. Turn your toes outward.
2. Strtch elbows and open knees to the outside.
3. Slowing lowing hips towards the ground.(20 times)
4. Next, angle your right shoulder toward your left leg and low hips (20 times).
5. Switch to the other side.

(4−2)Inner stretch
1. Open the legs, hold both hands in front, and bend one knee.
2. The extended leg points the toe toward the ceiling.
3. The bent leg points the toe toward the outside of the body.
4. Keep in this state for 30 seconds with shaking.
5. Do the same for the other side.

(5) Push - up
• Do not push yourself.
• Open time for more than 30 minutes.

12. 【ゾンビ体操公式】ついに書籍化!病気が「逃げ出す!」3分間の脱力体操
13.AMY EISINGER ”16 Simple Stretches for Tight Shoulders” 20151125
14.Dr. Daniel Gonzalez”Tight Hamstrings? Fix the problem, not the symptom!”at FamilyHealthChiropractic.com
15. Michelle Hamilton”Study: Standing Stretch Better Than Seated for Hamstrings”at Runnersworld.com 20130222
16. 【金スマEiko「開脚ストレッチ」のやり方!

【Change log】
20170302 Descriptions of gymnastics that secrete NO 
20170307  Annotation correction of Back extension
20170804 Breathing is nose breathing
20180305 Significantly rewritten

75 健康食材 #宇宙旅行

75 健康食材 #宇宙旅行

75−1 免疫強化・制御、がん予防
1.NHKスペシャル「人体」 万病撃退!“腸”が免疫の鍵だった|NHK健康ch 20180114
2.「若さを生み出す臓器」として大注目!“骨”によって老化の速度が決まる|NHK健康ch 20180107

3.ビタミンDのサプリ、かぜ・インフル予防に有効=英研究 - BBCニュース 20170217
4.ビタミンD - Wikipedia
ビタミンD はカルシウムの吸収をうながし、ビタミンK は吸収されたカルシウムを骨に取り込むのを助ける。
6.ビタミンDを多く含む食品 - 公益財団法人 骨粗鬆症財団
・納豆はビタミンK が豊富で、カルシウムやたんぱく質も多く含む。
7.納豆- Wikipedia
ニンニク   8.ニンニク−Wikipedia
食物繊維 [1]
・レンコン 1日皮ごと3切れ(皮ごと)
9.【ジョブチューン】れんこんで免疫力アップ! 20171209
10.【ジョブチューン】免疫力アップに小松菜! 20170211
11.インフル・肺炎・がんに効く 世界で発見!驚異のネギパワーSP - NHK 20161214
26.キャベツは老化防止で長寿に!この差って何ですか? 20170919
12.“キンカンで免疫力アップで風邪予防に!「主治医が見つかる診療所」“at 日々起きた出来事を記録 20170123

75−2 心筋梗塞脳梗塞予防

14.名医の太鼓判、ホットトマトジュースで高血圧予防の可能性あり? 20171218
15.1日3杯のコーヒー、健康へのプラス効果が大=調査 - ロイター 20171123
16.価格.com - 「名医とつながる!たけしの家庭の医学 〜血管の老化を防ぐ 20171114
17.【たけしの家庭の医学】豆腐&青魚で血管の老化防止・若返り! 20171024
18.その原因、Xにあり! - フジテレビ 20170728
19. Larsson SC “Chocolate consumption and risk of myocardial infarction”-NCBI 20160302
20.血管を強くしなやかに!ピーナッツパワー解放ワザ - NHK ガッテン! 20170111

75−2−2 血管強化

21.【たけしの家庭の医学】亜鉛は血管老化防止の最重要栄養素! 20180123
22.【たけしの家庭の医学】レバー・海苔で心筋梗塞動脈硬化を予防! 20171114
23.その原因、Xにあり! - フジテレビ 20170526
24.“レモン酢で血管&お肌若返り”サタデープラス - 毎日放送 20170917

75−3 老化防止

25.NHKスペシャル人体”骨”が出す!最高の若返り物質|NHK健康ch 20180107
ビタミンD [3][4][5]:いわし、さけ、
納豆 [6] [7]、黄緑色野菜
26.【主治医が見つかる診療所】ブロッコリースプラウトで糖化&高血糖予防! 20171116
27.高齢者こそ肉を?! 〜見過ごされる高齢者の“栄養失調”〜 - NHK クローズアップ現代 20131112

28.【ジョブチューン】ヒザ痛(膝痛)は乾燥しょうがで予防。 20170603
29.決定版!コラーゲン100%活用SP - NHK ガッテン! 20170301
※ゼラチン(英: gelatin)は、動物の皮膚や骨、腱などの結合組織の主成分であるコラーゲンに熱を加え、抽出したもの。コラーゲンの合成に必要なビタミンCや鉄分を一緒に摂ることで相乗効果が期待できる。

ハチミツ:ハチミツに含まれる10数種類のフラボノイドが脳細胞で炎症を引き起す毒素:LPS( Lipopolysaccharide)を撃退する。
30.【たけしの家庭の医学】ハチミツで認知症予防! 20180123
31.価格.com - 「林修今でしょ!講座 〜3時間スペシャル〜」 20170321
32.ジョブチューン認知症予防の食べ物はカマンベールチーズと赤ワイン 20170211
33.アマニ油(亜麻仁油)で認知症予防!テレビ「駆け込みドクター」 20150516


34.これが世界最先端!“認知症”予防SP - NHK ガッテン! 20170517
35.Nan Hu“Nutrition and the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease“-NCBI 20130620
36.【主治医が見つかる診療所】米ぬかおにぎりのレシピ!フェルラ酸!脳を活性化させる! 20180419

75−4 血糖値調整

37.【たけしの家庭の医学】みかんで血糖値を改善し高血糖を予防! 20171114
38.その原因、Xにあり! - フジテレビ 20170609
39.食べて糖尿病大改善! 医師も驚がく最新ワザ - NHK ガッテン! 20150610

【履 歴】
20180214 全面書き換え
20180425 米ぬかの追加

75 Health Food #SpaceTravel

75 Health Food #SpaceTravel

75−1 Immune enhancement / control, cancer prevention
1)70% of immune cells are gathered in the intestine, and training areas for immunity are also available. An elaborate balance between immune responses and tolerance to intestinal microbiota is required to maintain intestinal homeostasis.[1] Emerging research has begun to investigate the role of dietary fiber(DF) in immunomodulation.
1. M Sun”Regulatory immune cells in regulation of intestinal inflammatory response to microbiota” 20150617
2. Melissa M. Kaczmarczyk ”The health benefits of dietary fiber: beyond the usual suspects of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and colon cancer” 20120307
2) "Osteopontin(OPN) " an organic component of bone raises immunity.
3. Giorgio Mori“The Interplay between the Bone and the Immune System” - NCBI  20130714
Osteopontin is produced by a variety of cell types, such as B and T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, NKT cells, macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells (DC), bone cells (osteoblasts and osteocytes), breast epithelial cells, and neurons, and high expression is detected in the bone, lung, liver, brain, joints, adipose tissue, and body fluids such as blood, urine, and milk .
4.Nausicaa Clemente”Osteopontin Bridging Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Autoimmune Diseases” 20161220

Vitamin D:Sardines, Salmon
5.James Gallagher” Vitamin D pills 'could stop colds or flu'” at BBC NEWS 20170216
6.Vitamin D - Wikipedia

Vitamin K:Green vegetables and Fermented products
・Vitamin D promotes absorption of calcium and vitamin K helps to absorb absorbed calcium into bone.
7.Katarzyna Maresz“Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health” 20150214
Garlic 8. Garlic - Wikipedia  
Dietary fiber [2]
・Lotus root   with skin, 3 slices per day
Welsh onion  20 g per day

Kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia):β-cryptoxanthin increase NK cells activity.
   1 to 3 per day.
9. Nagahama K “Effect of kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia) pericarp on natural killer cell activity in vitro and in vivo.” 20150407
Eggplant (nasin)

75−2 Myocardial infarction / cerebral infarction prevention
75−2−1 Prevention of hypertension

Salt reduction
Hot tomato juice (lycopene):Warm a cup of tomato juice for 2 minutes in a range (600 W) and add olive oil and lemon.
10.Heidi Godman “Lycopene-rich tomatoes linked to lower stroke risk” - Harvard Health 20121010
Coffee:Studies have found that coffee polyphenols, such as chlorogenic acids, have many health-promoting properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, and antihypertensive properties.
11.Kazuo Yamagata” Do Coffee Polyphenols Have a Preventive Action on Metabolic Syndrome Associated Endothelial Dysfunctions? An Assessment of the Current Evidence” 20180204
Tofu:Magnesium contained in tofu discharges extra salt that causes high blood pressure to the outside of the body.
   Half a piece of Japanesestyle “cotton” tofu per day.
12.Gyamlani G “Benefits of magnesium in acute myocardial infarction: timing is crucial.”200004
Walnut:In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provided walnut may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Up to 3 walnuts daily (high calorie).
   13.Walnut – Wikipedia
Chocolate, Cocoa
14.Larsson SC “Chocolate consumption and risk of myocardial infarction”-NCBI 20160302
Peanuts:Be aware of allergies, mold poisoning!
15.Health Benefits of Nut Consumption - NCBI - NIH 201007
※ Because the calorie is high, up to 3 grains per day.

75−2−2 Vessel strengthening

Zinc ( meat, nuts, crab, cheese): Eliminate active oxygen that promotes arteriosclerosis.
16.Ananda S. Prasad”Zinc is an Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Agent”-NCBI 20140209
Vitamin B6, folic acid, B12 ( liver): Remove the substances that aging blood vessels.
17.Selhub J“Folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 and one carbon metabolism.”-NCBI 2002
Seafood (protein, DHA, EPA, taurine: Squid, octopus, scallops)
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid):reduce inflammation of blood vessels and make plaque less vulnerable.
18.S. Sudheendran“N-3 vs. Saturated fatty acids: Effects on the arterial wall”-NCBI 20200306
1800mg per day
Lemon vinegar: Lemon polyphenol suppresses fat absorption and can be expected to prevent arteriosclerosis.
19.Yoji Kato“Effect on Blood Pressure of Daily Lemon Ingestion and Walking”-NCBI 20140410
Powder green tea:Catechin prevents the deposition of fat and suppresses arteriosclerosis.
20.Pon Velayutham“Green Tea Catechins and Cardiovascular Health”-NCBI 20090922

75−3 Aging prevention

○"Message substance" from the bone keeps memory power • immunity • reproductive ability young! [3]
・Vitamin D: Sardines, Salmon
・Vitamin K:Green vegetables and Fermented products, vegetables

Blue-backed fish [20], capsaicin, nuts [21] (especially almonds [22]): Prevent saccharification of the body.
21.Blue-backed fish - Wikipedia
23.Wang H“Effects of almond on D-gal-induced aging rats”-NCBI 200403
※Capsaicin greatly improve the safety and efficacy of swallowing. [22]
24.Nakato R“Effects of Capsaicin on Older Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study.”-NCBI 20170321
Meat:Maintenance of muscle mass(Take protein with 3 meals)
25.Daly RM“The effects of a protein enriched diet with lean red meat combined with a multi-modal exercise program on muscle and cognitive health and function in older adults"-NCBI 20150808

Knee Pain Prevention
Ginger: "Gingerol" contained in ginger has "the effect of suppressing analgesic and inflammatory effects".
   60g per day.
26.Arshad H Rahmani“Active ingredients of ginger as potential candidates in the prevention and treatment of diseases via modulation of biological activities"-NCBI 20140712
Collagen:Collagen is contained in gelatin.
27.Fulya Bakilan” Effects of Native Type II Collagen Treatment on Knee Osteoarthritis” –NCBI 201606
※Gelatin is extracted by adding heat to collagen, which is the main component of connective tissue such as skin, bones and tendons of animals. Synergistic effects can be expected by ingesting vitamin C and iron necessary for collagen synthesis.

○Dementia prevention
Honey:Several kinds of flavonoids contained in honey fight off toxin:LPS( Lipopolysaccharide) causing inflammation in brain cells.
28.Mohammad Mijanur Rahman“Neurological Effects of Honey: Current and Future Prospects”-NCBI 20140427
1 tablespoon of honey every night.
Camembert cheese:The ingredients of camembert cheese clean amyloid β. (Experimental stage using mouse)
29.Ano Y“Preventive effects of a fermented dairy product against Alzheimer's disease and identification of a novel oleamide with enhanced microglial phagocytosis and anti-inflammatory activity.“-NCBI 20150311
Linseed oil:When linseed oil enters the body, it changes to EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which is said to be effective for dementia prevention.
30.Hidekatsu Yanai“Effects of N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Dementia”-NCBI 20161124

○Alzheimer's disease(AD) prevention:Nutrients might be useful only for primary prevention of AD.
31.Nan Hu“Nutrition and the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease“-NCBI 20130620
・Fruits and Vegetables
・Berry fruits
・Whole grain
・Olive oil
   32.Selvaraju Subash“Neuroprotective effects of berry fruits on neurodegenerative diseases”-NCBI 20140815
Rice bran :One spoonful of roasted rice bran per day.
33.Hagl S”Rice bran extract compensates mitochondrial dysfunction in a cellular model of early Alzheimer's disease.”-NCBI 2015
75−4 Blood sugar value adjustment

Papaya (β cryptoxanthin)
34.Montonen J“Dietary antioxidant intake and risk of type 2 diabetes.
“-NCBI 200402
35.Sahin K“β-Cryptoxanthin ameliorates metabolic risk factors by regulating NF-κB and Nrf2 pathways in insulin resistance induced by high-fat diet in rodents.”-NCBI 201709
Tomato juice (lycopene)
36.Guo Y“Beneficial effect of lycopene on anti-diabetic nephropathy through diminishing inflammatory response and oxidative stress.
“-NCBI 201504
※ Hot Tomato Juice: See above for making.

Water soluble dietary fiber (mushrooms, seaweeds, burdock, onion, natto, okra)
37.Manohar V“Effects of a water-soluble extract of maitake mushroom on circulating glucose/insulin concentrations in KK mice.“-NCBI 200201

【Change log】
20180214 Overwriting
20180425 Addition of rice bran

76 睡眠 #宇宙旅行

76 睡眠 #宇宙旅行

76−1 睡眠不足の害

76−2 ぐっすり睡眠術
○寝室環境 等
 夏 27〜29度
 冬 16〜18度(加湿器を使う。喉が痛くなる場合はマスクをする。)






【参 照】
1. ”睡眠負債が危ない“NHKスペシャル 20170618
3.「スタンフォード式最高の睡眠」西野精治 20170305

20170406 新規
20170502 写真の追加
20170807 書換え

76 Good Night’s Sleep #SpaceTravel

76 Good Night’s Sleep #SpaceTravel

76−1 Effects of sleep deprivation

○In general, continuing sleeping for 6 hours or less will drain your mental abilities and put your physical health at real risk. [1]
○Sleep deprivation increases the risk of cancer, dementia, etc.
・Sleep deprivation prevents your immune system from building 50% of its power.
・People who have an average sleeping time of 6 hours or less will have a risk of breast cancer about 1.6 times for people sleeping for 7 hours. [1]
• Brain garbage called amyloid beta is discharged during sleep. Amyloid beta is a causative agent of Alzheimer's disease, which is the greatest cause of dementia. [2]
・Long-term sleep deprivation also increases your risk for chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. [1]
・If the state of insufficient sleep continues, activity of the amygdala of the brain responding to anxiety and tension becomes active, so the mental state becomes unstable.
・Sleep deprivation is another risk factor for overweight and obesity. Sleep affects the levels of two hormones, leptin and ghrelin, which control feelings of hunger and fullness. Leptin tells your brain that you’ve had enough to eat. Without enough sleep, your brain reduces leptin and raises ghrelin, which is an appetite stimulant. The flux of these hormones could explain nighttime snacking or why someone may overeat later in night. [1]

76−2 For a better night's sleep

○ Sleep environment etc. [3]
・Disinfect the bedding with sunlight
・Keep the lights down before sleeping
・Take a warm bath or
・Clean your body with a warm bath or shower
・Room temperature
Summer:27 - 29 degrees
Winter:16 - 18 degrees (Use a humidifier. Wear a mask if your throat hurts.)
・If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up.
・Expose yourself to bright sunlight in the morning.
・・・Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

○Golden time・・・Keep in sync with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle [4]
• Do not miss the timing of the first drowsiness of the night.
• If you have to stay up all night : If you are sleepy, go to bed first. And you get up at the timing of the first REM sleep, when golden 90-minute non-REM sleep has ended.
・Limit naps to 20 minutes.

○Breathing [4]
・Snoring is mouth breathing, mouth breathing lowering the quality of sleep.
← Vomit through nose, consciously do abdominal breathing from everyday.
・・・Sleep apnea syndrome
In adults, there is no problem if breathing stops for 10 seconds are about 5 times per hour.

• Stand up once every 30 minutes.
• Perform both muscle training and aerobic exercise. [5]
• Exercise is best after dinner [5]
・・・The body temperature rises with exercise. Then, it becomes easy to fall asleep by increasing deep body temperature falling when entering the bed.
・・・After exercise the postprandial blood glucose level drops, the body weight decreases.
• ・・However, exercise and bathing will be completed one hour before going to bed.

○Meals • Caffeine
• Order three meals regularly.
• Chewing affects sleep • behavior patterns. [4]
→ Chew gum once a day.
• Limit caffeine until 18 o'clock

☆Wind down and clear your head
・PC and your job until 30 minutes before going to bed. Do not think about difficult things.
・While breathing deeply, stretch and shorten your toes and ankle pleasantly on the bed(The ways to get back to sleep)
・Praise yourself on your bed to see a good dream(The ways to get back to sleep)[6]

1. 11 Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Body - Healthline
2. No.74−5−5 Alzheimer prevention
3.”How to Sleep Better: Tips for Getting a Good Night's Sleep.”at helpguide.org
4. 「スタンフォード式最高の睡眠」西野精治 20170305
5. “運動の習慣で「睡眠が若返る」!”内田直
6. 夜寝る前に自分を褒める習慣をつける|アラフォー婚活

【Change log】
20170406 Start
20170502 Addition of a photo
20170807 Rewrite