72 Fusion Power【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

72 Fusion Power【Space Travel】Dialogue with the Universe

72−1 ITER( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) [1]
・The goal is to build a fusion power plant in 2040-2050.
・The ITER experimental design has been changed to 2020, one year later than originally planned, under the influence of in eastern earthquake. Aim to start full-scale operation in 2027 as planned. The total project cost is 2 trillion yen.
・In addition, experimental reactor completion of the 2020 has become difficult.

・The name is derived from iter (: Net, Road).
・Seven countries and Region (Japan, China, EU, India, Russia, South Korea, USA)are involved in the this plan.
ITER construction site is in Cadarache, France.

※Tokamak :[2]

72−2 Nuclear Fusion Reaction
○D-T fusion reaction [3]

72−3 Proton-proton chain reaction [4]
○The proton–proton chain reaction is one of the two (known) sets of fusion reactions by which stars convert hydrogen to helium. It dominates in stars the size of the Sun or smaller.


72−4 Merit and Demerit
○Merit :Automatically nuclear fusion reaction is stopped.

○Demerit:Radioactive waste of the same level as nuclear power plant.

72−5 Cold Fusion [5]
○Research is continuing.

72−6 News
○The Wendelstein 7-X fusion device(Helical Device)at Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald produced its first hydrogen plasma on 3 February 2016.
The practical application of nuclear fusion is expected of around 2025. [6]

・Germany has forged ahead in funding the project, which in the past 20 years has cost €1.06bn.
※ The diameter of the W7-X is 10m. [7]

○A small, modular, efficient fusion plant
New design could finally help to bring the long-sought power source closer to reality.
 August 10, 2015  MIT News
Illustration courtesy of the MIT ARC team [8]

2. Wikipedia:Tokamak
3. Wikipedia:Nuclear fusion
4. Wikipedia:Proton-proton chain reaction
5. Wikipedia:Cold Fusion
6. IPP:Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
7. 高畑一也 星のかけら☆核融合
8. MIT News