ゼロトレで若返ったけど… Got younger with ZERO TRAINING, but… #若返り#ゼロトレ #AntiAging #ZeroTraining

ゼロトレで若返ったけど… Got younger with ZERO TRAINING, but… #若返り#ゼロトレ #AntiAging #ZeroTraining

I have continued training for 7 more days, after the abdominal circumference decreased…

77 がんの血液検査 #宇宙旅行

77 がんの血液検査 #宇宙旅行

77−1 プロテオ検査
○検査の難しい膵臓がんを含むがんの血液検査による早期段階からのリスク判定 [1]
ヌクレオソーム:球状になった塩基性タンパク質ヒストンの周りに DNA が巻きついたもの。

※プロテオ検査イメージ [3]

・20170301 一般社団法人 日本先進医療臨床応用学会が臨床研究を開始 [2]
⇒MYTECH ホームページ

77−2 マイクロRNA検査 [4]
・2017年8月 国立がん研究センター(東京)が臨床研究を開始

【参 照】
1.” 史上初のがん診断ツール!バイオチップ『プロテオチップ』”at がんのきほん
2. 一般社団法人 日本先進医療臨床研究会”「プロテオ検査」の実施と臨床研究開始のお知らせ”
3. “超早期がんも検出 「プロテオⓇ」”at (有)マイテック・ホームページ
4.読売新聞 20170812(有料)

20170307 新規
20170804 対象の追加
20170818 マイクロRNA検査の追加

77 Blood Test for Cancer #SpaceTravel

77 Blood Test for Cancer #SpaceTravel

77−1 Proteo Inspection
○ By this examination, it is possible to risk judgment of cancers including pancreatic cancer from early stage by blood test. [1]
・With biochip using novel substance Silver Peroxide Meso Crystals: Proteo®, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of cancer, the type of cancer, and the degree of progress from stage 0 with a single drop of blood.
・Peroxide Meso Crystals, biochip Proteo® directly and quickly detects a tiny amount of cancer-related substances Nucleosomes existing in the blood, and makes it possible to distinguish the cancer in stage 0 and judge its progress.
※Nucleosomes:A nucleosome is a basic unit of DNA packaging in eukaryotes, consisting of a segment of DNA wound in sequence around eight histone protein cores.
・It was developed in collaboration with Showa University Hospital and Mytech Corporation.
※ Subject: Solid cancer such as pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, tongue cancer, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer

※Proteo Inspection Image [3]

・20170301 Japan Society of Clinical Study for Frontier-Medicine(JSCSF)started clinical research..[2]
※List of laboratories
※ Inspection cost: about 500$

77−2 MicroRNA Inspection [4]
• Cancer cells secrete specific microRNAs.
• Evaluated 13 types of cancer in 4 grades.
• Cost: About 200$
• Task: Even if it is not breast cancer, 20% is judged as cancer. It should be less than 5%.
• National Cancer Research Center (Tokyo) started clinical research in August 2017
• Project schedule: 2020 ~

1.”Silver Nanoscale Hexagonal Column Chips for Detecting Cell-free DNA and Circulating Nucleosomes in Cancer Patients” at nature.com 20150521
2. 一般社団法人 日本先進医療臨床研究会”「プロテオ検査」の実施と臨床研究開始のお知らせ”
3. “PROTEO(R)”at Mytech
4.THA YOMIURI SHIMBUN 20170812(Toll)

【Change log】
20170307 Start
20170804 Addition of Subject
20170818 Addition of MicroRNA Inspection

78 被ばく #宇宙旅行

78 被ばく #宇宙旅行

78−1 宇宙放射線
・太陽粒子線:陽子・電子 90%、He 数%、その他の重荷電粒子 [1]
・銀河宇宙船:陽子・電子 90%、He 9%、その他の重荷電粒子、γ・X線等 1% [1][2]


○地球磁場が消滅した場合(地球の歴史上何回かあった)、地上での放射線被曝量は 14%程度増加する。[3][4]

78−2 被ばく線量
放射線荷重係数(radiation weighting factor)

1mSv(ミリシーベルト) /年:公衆被ばく限度[5]
20mSv/年:職業被ばくの限度 [5]
100mSv/年:がんの増加 [2]
365mSv/年:ISS内部 [1] [6]
1Sv:宇宙飛行士の生涯被ばく限度(男性46歳以上)[1] =火星往復(1年半)[7] [8]
4Sv:50%致死線量(LD50) [7] [9]
7Sv:100%致死線量 [9]

○2012〜2016年 船外で人体模型を暴露する実験実施。

78−3 被ばくの緩和
アルファ線は紙1枚程度で遮蔽できる。ベータ線は厚さ数mmのアルミニウム板で防ぐことができる。ガンマ線(電磁波)は透過力が強く、コンクリートであれば50 cm、鉛であっても10cmの厚みが必要になる。中性子線(中性子)は最も透過力が強く、水やコンクリートの厚い壁に含まれる水素原子によってはじめて遮断できる。[9]
← 遮蔽剤の打ち上げコストが多額となるため。[10]

78−4 宇宙放射線量の予測

【参 照】
1. 放射線被ばく管理:JAXA
2. Cosmic Radiation - Go Flight Medicine
3. 宇宙放射線 - JAXA 宇宙教育センター
4. 聴いて観て話しメモする!:地球大気
5. 国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の2007年勧告
6. 宇宙空間の放射線量はどのくらい? YAHOO! 知恵袋
7. 宇宙放射線による年間被ばく (09-01-06-04) - ATOMICA
8. Science Newsline(2013)
9. 被曝 - Wikipedia
10. 宇宙滞在中の宇宙放射線被ばく線量の大幅な低減法を初めて実証
放射線医学総合研究所, ロシア科学アカデミー生物医学問題研究所, チェコ科学アカデミー原子核研究所

78 Radiation Exposure #SpaceTravel

78 Radiation Exposure #SpaceTravel

78−1 Cosmic Radiation Exposure
○Constitution of Cosmic Radiation
・Solar Particle Events (SPE's):hydrogen (protons) 90%, helium (alpha particles) , all of the rest of the elements
・Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR):hydrogen (protons) 90%, helium (alpha particles) 9%, all of the rest of the elements 1%[1]

Cosmic Radiation - Go Flight Medicine

○The sun’s magnetic field reverses its direction every 11 years (last flip was Jan 2014). Additionally, solar flares occur from time to time, which may increase cosmic radiation dose for a shorter period of time. [1]
○A majority of cosmic radiation never reaches those of us living on the terrestrial earth due to the sun’s magnetic field, the earth’s magnetic field, and the earth’s atmosphere. [1]
○ If the Earth's magnetic field has disappeared (it was several times on the history of the Earth), radiation exposure on the ground is increased about 14%.[2] [3]

78−2 Radiation Limits
○Radiation weighting factor [4]
:Coefficient representing the degree of impact on the human body of radiation.
Photons(x-rays, gamma rays)・Electrons(beta particles):1,protons:2, neutrons:2.5〜21, alpha particles(a particle identical to a helium nucleus):20
○Radiation effects
1 mSv/year:Effective dose [5]
2.4mSv/year:Average yearly background natural radiation in the world
20 mSv/year:Occupational effective dose limit [5]
100mSv:Level at which higher raisk of cancer is first noticeable
     Missions on the ISS or Russian Mir space station have registered exposures greater than 100 mSv to some astronauts. [1]
1Sv:Missions to Mars(1.5 years)[1] [6]
4Sv:Median lethal dose(LD50) [7]
7Sv:100% lethal dose [7]

78−3 Mitigation of Cosmic Radiation
○Alpha (α) radiation is stopped by a sheet of paper. Beta (β) radiation is halted by an aluminium plate. Gamma (γ) radiation is eventually absorbed as it penetrates a dense material(Concrete with a thickness of 50 cm, in the case of lead 10cm). Neutron (n) radiation is blocked by light elements, like hydrogen, which slow and/or capture them. [8]
○Aggressive shielding measures in the ISS is not taken.
← Since the launch cost of screening agents is significant.

78−4 Space Weather
○Military, aviation and space agencies like the FAA and NASA pay close attention to space weather and may publish advisories. To keep up to date on your space weather, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides an online service. [1]

1. Cosmic Radiation - Go Flight Medicine
2. 宇宙放射線 - JAXA 宇宙教育センター
3. 聴いて観て話しメモする!:地球大気
4. Equivalent dose - Wikipedia
5. New ICRP recommendations
6. Southwest Research Institute, "SwRI Scientists Publish First Radiation Measurements from the Surface of Mars"
7. Acute radiation syndrome - Wikipedia
8. Ionizing radiation - Wikipedia

79 星船 #宇宙旅行

79 星船 #宇宙旅行

79−1 宇宙船太陽系号




○Martyn J. Foggの提案(1989) [3]

※宇宙船太陽系号 [4]

79−2 星船建造計画:ブレークスルー・スターショットへの提案 [5]


※基本コンセプトはRenéHellerとMichael Hippkeの提案を参照。[6] [7] [8]

カメラ、バッテリー(:nuclear battery)、推進システム、ナビゲーション、通信機器、ナノ工作機




Starshipの航路 [9]

☆10年後 1号探査機の打ち上げ
20年後 スターショットのレーザー推進システムの完成
25年後 スターショットの発射
45年後 スターショットからの情報(資源、着陸適地、着陸方法)を得る。
☆50年後 2号探査機(補給船)の打ち上げ(新たな2体)
☆100年後 ケンタウルス座アルファ星に到着+1・2号の連携・補給資材(着陸・テラフォーム資材等)の受け取り
☆150年後 ケンタウルス座アルファ星の地球型惑星に到着、テラフォームの開始(鉱物採取・加工、太陽パネルの建造 等)
☆160年後 星船建造開始
☆2,000~3,000年以内 星船の完成
☆4万年後 人類が星船(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)に到着
☆1,000万年後 星船(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)が他の恒星に到達する。[10]

※星船のイメージ: A Shkadov thruster as conceived by the artist Steve Bowers. [11]

【参 照】
1.The helical model - our solar system is a vortex
3.太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 A Successful Failure
4.YAHOO! 知恵袋
5.No.64−5 恒星探査計画 :Breakthough Starshot
6.“太陽系外惑星へ探査機を送る新手法、科学者が提唱”at NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 20170206
7.Full braking at Alpha Centauri - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 20170201
9. George Dvorsky “How An Interstellar Starship Could Actually Explore Alpha Centauri”at GIZMODO 20170202
10. 太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 - A Successful Failure 20080330
11.PAUL GILSTER “Moving Stars: The Shkadov Thruster” 20131126

20170526 No.79−2 星船建造計画 の追加

79 Starship #SpaceTravel

79 Starship #SpaceTravel

79−1 Starship Solar-System(SSS)
○Since the life expectancy of the sun is 5 billion years, the human race needs to be moved to any other stellar systems.
○30,000 years to go to our nearest neighbouring star, Alpha Centauri (distance: 4light years) by the fastest spacecraft today.
○If you think the energy and safety between the long-term move, it is necessary to utilize the forces of nature.

○The solar system is orbiting through the Milky Way galaxy in 240km/s.
○If you have a solar system on the spacecraft, long-term energy and safety can be ensured.

Solar System [1]

○Movie:The helical model - our solar system is a vortex[2]

○Proposal of Martyn J. Fogg(1989) [3] [4]
・Stars like the sun exist about 300 within a distance of 100 light-years. This plan assumes that to finish the replacement work of the sun and other stars in about 10 million years.
・First, put a ring of superconductor around the sun, and supplement the 10% of the energy of the total output of the sun. Then generate a toroidal magnetic field by flowing a strong current, and rectify the flow of charged particles spewing from the sun in one direction.
・With this propulsion system, the movement speed of the sun after 700,000 years will be 1km / s, and you can change the scope of the course 1.9 degrees with respect to the rotation axis. After 2.7 million years each of those will be 5km / s, 9.5 degrees, and after 10.7 million years 20km / s, 33.7 degrees.
・Next, select the course that slip through the side of the star of the target. And adjust the inrush course to put the Earth in orbit of the other stellar.

Starship Solar-System [5]

79−2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot [6]
○Still, we can not experiment with the solar system, so we will experiment with the nearest star (Alpha Centauri).
The plan is as follows.

○Purpose of this plan:To remodel Alpha Centauri closest to the solar system (4 light years) into a star ship that all humans can live in.

○Method: In this plan, 100 gram mini spaceships equipped with GAI and nano machine will be accelerated to 5% of the speed of light with a solar sail and will be sent to the planet of Alpha Centauri in 100 years.
※ For the basic concept see RenéHeller and Michael Hippke's proposal. [7] [8] [9]
※ The energy source of the propulsion system is the sun and Alpha Centauri.
※ The size of the sail is 100,000 square meters (about 14 soccer fields).
※The sail is made of graphene which is a very thin and light carbon film and covered with a cover with high reflectance so that it can endure the harsh conditions of the deep space and the heat of the star of the destination. (10 years for development)
※If it is higher than this speed, the craft will pass Alpha Centauri.

○ Structure of Nanocraft:
Camera, nuclear battery, propulsion system, navigation, communication equipment, nano machine


☆ Crew
• Crews are two GAIs (Neutralink of male and female brain tissue: Adam and Eve)
・Two GAIs are backed up and restored to each other.


※The root of Starship [9]

10 years later Launch of No. 1 Nanocraft
20 years later Completion of the laser propulsion system of Star shot
25 years later Star shot firing
45 years later We will get information from the star shot (resource, landable land, landing method).
50 years later Launch of No.2 nanocraft (supply ship) (2 new GAIs)
100 Years later Arrive at Alpha Centauri, collaboration of 2 nanocrafts and receive supply material (landing and terraform material etc)
150 Years later Arrive at earth type planet of Alpha Centauri and start of terafoam (mineral collection and processing, construction of solar panels etc)
160 years later Start of building a Starship
☆2,000~3,000 years later  the completion of the Starship- Starship construction plan
☆40,000 years later Humanity will arrive at the starship (Alpha Centauri)
☆10 million years later Reaching of a Starship to the other star. [4]

※Image of a star ship: A Shkadov thruster as conceived by the artist Steve Bowers. [10]

1.The helical model - our solar system is a vortex
3.太陽が最期を迎えても地球ごと助かる方法 A Successful Failure
4.Martyn J. Fogg, "Solar Exchange as a Means of Ensuring the Long-Term Habitability of the Earth," Specul. Sci. Technol., 12, pp.153-157 1989.
5.YAHOO! 知恵袋
6.No.64−5 Plans to Build Interstellar Spacecraft:Breakthough Starshot
7.Full braking at Alpha Centauri - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 20170201
9. George Dvorsky “How An Interstellar Starship Could Actually Explore Alpha Centauri”at GIZMODO 20170202
10.PAUL GILSTER “Moving Stars: The Shkadov Thruster” 20131126

【Change log】
20170526 Addition of No.79−2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot