
第13話−17 ショック!(Episode13−17 !)

・・・So much shock.The important thing for us is to take advantage of the opportunity given.Take advantage?Yes. Take advantage of opportunity, and find the real one.The real one?Then, we decide for ourselves. There is nothing to think…

第13話−16 そうなのか!(Episode13−16 I understand!)

I understand! That's affirmative! This is a conspiracy of the man!The author,domn!Don't do nothin' stupid. We would lost you!Yes,I can. Just the way I showed you. Shackle him...just as main character.Main character?!What are you…


よろよろと1 ・肺の上葉切除を医者に勧められたのをきっかけに、このつぶやきを始めます。

DVD付き 樫木裕実カーヴィーダンスで楽やせ!

【送料無料】DVD付き 樫木裕実カーヴィーダンスで楽やせ!価格:1,000円(税込、送料別)

第13話−15 あんたとは違う!(Episode13−15 You and I are diff

You and I are different!!Yeah I have no ability like you.Oh, sorry. I was not going to hurt you.But, I know. You've been modified by Goodaoho.Too bad. It is natural that you would be funny.I,I'm funny!Aha! I'm sorry. I've been telling …

第13話−14 家族!(Episode13−14 A Family!)

​​Pepperpapa and I were made by Cosmo's ancestors millions of years ago. And headed to Earth and Gooda, respectively. That's all.But my dad is Pepperpapa.So we are a family!Family is no meaning for robots.And I got a totally different bo…

第13話−13 ママ?!(Episode13−13 Mama?!)

What!In the planet, I was known as Peppermama.Peppermama! Did you mean with Cosmo?Yes.Well, you are Pepperpapa's wife. That is, my mom? !I had a feeling you would. You never forget we are robots.えっ!その惑星では、あたしはペッパーママ…

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【送料無料】B'z LIVE-GYM 2011-C'mon-【Blu-ray】価格:4,662円(税込、送料別)

第13話−12 3分後!(Episode13−12 3 minutes later!)

3 minutes later. Goodas are starting to take action.I really do not like the guy.Mr. Brain is a good person.Mankinds of planet Gooda are rogue.Mankind of is rogue.@@,do you know planet Gooda.I was there.3分後。 グダ者達は行動を…

第13話−11 ということは!(Episode13−11 This means !)

This means ・・・that is easy for us to do.What is matter,everyone? Any problem?If he was thinking up there, he might be surprisingly thoughtful man.If you guys are looking so much, I'm ashamed.Hmm.Help.ということは・・・…

母の日2012 カーネーションのお花とスイーツセットをプレゼント

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「宇宙との対話」プロローグ2 大事なこと Important Thing

大事なこと Important Thing・大事なことは人が宇宙と対話する力を授けられていること!・The important thing is that people was bestowed the ability to interact with the universe !



「宇宙との対話」プロローグ1 Dialogue with the Universe

「宇宙との対話」Dialogue with the Universe・宇宙との対話では、宇宙、知性、人生についてつぶやきます。・In this corner while we are talking about the universe, intelligence and life,and explore their future.

【DS】ポケットモンスター ホワイト2

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第13話−10 指揮官の条件!(Episode13−10 ! )

After all, you just want to use my spaceship? <Doubt>BINGO!Shit! <Anger> BWO-O-O-NGarbage disturbs. I can not see! <Wonder・Sadness・Anger>What a simple guy!結局、わしの宇宙船を使いたいだけなんじゃろ? <疑>そのとお…

第13話−9 ブライン!(Episode13−9 BRAIN! )

BRAIN! I'm a captain general. Does not answer back! ! !Yeah! Yeah!DAHHHHH! <Cry>You can not resist him. You're feeling in plain view.Hoo! That’s like signs.Poker Face's loss disease with severe.He was impossibl…

【DS】ポケットモンスター ブラック2

【Joshinは平成20/22年度製品安全対策優良企業 連続受賞・プライバシーマーク取得企業】【特典...価格:4,030円(税込、送料込)

宇宙との対話V7−58 宇宙食メニュー Space food menu

宇宙食メニュー Space food menu・厚生省の「日本人の食事摂取基準」(2010年版)と文部科学省の「食品成分データベース」をもとに、サツマイモを中心とした宇宙食のメニューを考えました。・サツマイモ 4本、サケ缶2個、ゆで卵2個、納豆1パック、豆乳コ…

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第13話−8 聞こえてる!!(Episode13−5 He has heard!! )

You guys. He has heard!!Damn!This mission is quite simple. Too simple. Anyone can do.So I order the commander Brain!NO!!Why I need it to do ?聞こえてますよ!カチンこの任務はいたって簡単だ。 ああ、あまりに簡単すぎる…

b'z go for it, baby 初回限定

B'z ビーズ / GO FOR IT, BABY -キオクの山脈- 【CD Maxi】価格:1,260円(税込、送料別)



第13話−7 順調!(Episode13−7 Smoothly!)

My plan is proceeding smoothly.That's right.We are now building a space-sprinkler and space-container. and launch them in the mass driver to the Lagrange point.Why do not they run on their own?Probably because it's dangerous for them.The…

第13話−6 テレビ!(Episode13−5 TV! )

You are welcome.What's this. STEP HOPThis is a universal television. I made ​​it at the direction of Mr. Patyakuri.CLICKVOOOM いらっしゃい、いらっしゃい。なんだこれは?トントン万能テレビです。 パチャクリさんの指示で僕が作りました。ピッブー…

第13話−5 くそっ!(Episode13−5 Shit! )

Shit! I was too strong.So I lost the negotiation.No, because you were overweight brain.Overweight brain!Certainly I had space travel 100,000 years.I admit that build strength skipped. But I only have continued to exercise the brain.REGR…

THE DAY IN QUESTION 2011【初回限定生産】

【送料無料】THE DAY IN QUESTION 2011【初回限定生産】価格:7,382円(税込、送料別)

第13話−4 仕方がない!(Episode13−4 No choice!)

No choice. Because your spaceship is comfortable.YANK. GOODA!Do not forget that you lost in the negotiations.As long as I'm concerned.You're not easy going!Pet of the past. Unlikely defeat.AngerGrrr BOM仕方ないでしょ。あんたの宇宙船…

第13話−3 ゾロゾロ!(Episode13−3 THUMP CLOMP FLUMP!)

THUMP CLOMP FLUMPThat's just unreal.Do you have any questions?I wanted to come with you. But it's for sightseeing. However. Now, it's like I'm running your plan.ゾロゾロ何か変だな? ???どうしました?わしはお前達と来ることを望んだ…

第13話−2 月面にて!(Episode13−2 At the moon!)

Brine, Cosmo and Goodaoho begin to prepare for come up space-sprinkler to the Lagrangian point by the mass-driver from the moon.BLECCHPOOFFLAPブライン、コスモ、グダ王たちは、月面のマスドライバーからラグランジュ点に向けて、宇宙スプリン…